Following the tragic killing of 5 police officers in Dallas late Thursday night, Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler had this to say...

The villains who shot the innocent police officers in Dallas were not only evil and murderous, they were also illogical. What did police officers in Dallas have to do with shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The Dallas shootings did not ‘make a statement.’ Instead, they took the lives of innocent officers who were doing their jobs, guarding an otherwise peaceful protest.

All who encouraged the Dallas murderers are guilty of aiding and abetting. All who knew this was being planned and did nothing to stop it are accessories to murder.

We lift up prayers for the families and friends of the five dead and seven wounded officers and one civilian.

May God place his protective hand over all our officers -- and all our people. Evil is among us, and we must resist it.

Other Alabama Law Enforcement agencies have offered prayers and statements on social media as well.

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