My-my-my music video has hit me so hard, makes me say oh my Lord thank you for blessing me with the greatness of this custom MC Hammer creation! Oh, it's time to inspire and Hammerfy!

Before we get to the video, a programming note to pass along MC Hammer will join B101.7's Kidd Kraddick Morning Show on Friday (June 24) at 8:30AM!

Not many people are known for creating a fashion statement with pants named which carry his name. Yes, those always roomy Hammer pants leave plenty of room for your legs to wildly move and dance, while creating a breeze from all of the fabric for those standing nearby.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about what the 90s rapper has been up to lately. I do know he has teamed up with the home search website You have to check out the custom video creator. Choose from a menu of options and MC Hammer will rap a song about it. Don't ask why, but I find myself wanting to go through every possible combination to see how the video comes out.

The Trulia website does ask for you to enter an email address, but there is also a click option to remove from receiving future email (so it says).

Here's my video!

Are you ready to give a try? Here's the link, click here!

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