Ever wondered just how many different notes your favorite pop artists can hit? Well, ConcertHotels compiled an entire list of singers across the board -- from pop to country to rock to rap and more -- and figured out their vocal range based on all of their recorded material. Where do Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga and more fit in? Read on to find out.

In the pop category, it comes as no surprise that Mariah Carey has the biggest vocal range among her competitors, hitting her lowest note (an F2) in 'Sweetheart' and reaching her highest in 'Emotions' with a G7. Of course, Christina Aguilera isn't too far behind, with a vocal range that goes from a C3 to a C sharp 7. Miley hits her lowest note, singing-wise, in 'We Can't Stop' with a B2 -- hitting her highest in 'Just a Girl' with an E6. Lady Gaga can go down to an B flat 2 in 'Sexx Dreams' and up to a B5 in 'Fancy Pants.'

Of the list, both Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift have some of the smallest vocal ranges. The Biebs can go from an A2 on 'Out of Town Girl' to a C sharp 5 in 'Boyfriend,' whereas T. Swift can hit an E3 in 'Begin Again' and an F sharp 5 in 'You Belong With Me.' (Keep in mind that vocal range doesn't determine how good of a singer the artist is -- it's just how many different octaves they can reach.)

Just in case these notes (or terms) confuse you, you can see the complete list of the artists' vocal ranges here, along with a pretty helpful visual that shows you where the notes are on a piano.

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