We're testing your music knowledge with the new hit game on B101.7 called 'Name The Song!' Listen today during our 5 O'clock Happy Hour at 5:20pm to play! When I play the mystery song clip, call the studio at (205)345-1017, identify the song correctly and you could win 2 combo meals from Roly Poly in Tuscaloosa!

I'm ready to hit shuffle on my iPod for a song to feature. Oh, there is a twist, the song clip will be a random instrumental version of the hit song.

It's the first week of the contest and we've have winners right away. Maybe, the clips are too easy to identify. So, I'm going to shorten the clip to up the challenge. The song today is a trumpet instrumental. Even though, the challenge is more difficult, by checking here on our website before the contest is played, you get a chance to hear the clip, which gives you a chance to think about it.

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